Verandahs, Patios & Pergolas

Clearspan Gable caption1 Clearspan Gable caption1
Stratco Clearspan Gable 1 Stratco Clearspan Gable 1
Stratco Clearspan Gable 2 Stratco Clearspan Gable 2
Stratco Clearspan Gable 3 Stratco Clearspan Gable 3
Stratco Clearspan Gable 4 Stratco Clearspan Gable 4
Stratco Clearspan Gable 5 Stratco Clearspan Gable 5

The harsh Australian climate is an accepted way of life for every Australian, which sometimes means making a few improvements around the home to increase comfort and lifestyle, or protect your assets from the elements. Adding a verandah can dramatically reduce the heat entering your home on a hot summers day by shading windows and walls.


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